Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.

Henry James

Monday, March 22, 2010


International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.

I know that after the recent floods in Chiclana water is not something we want right now, but remember that  there are lots of people out there in the world who have no clean water: waterborne diseases cause the death of more than 1.5 million children each year.

For  information on what You can do, You can  visit www.worldwaterday2010.info


Alvaro Hanger Skans said...

What an amazing blog you have!!!!

I'm Alvaro, I'm a Carmen's student. I really love English, and as I can see you do as well. I think we're going to be good friends, because I heard that you're going to teach us next year...Hmmm, interesting!!

carmen lópez said...

You see??? My students already love you!!! Amazing!!!

Unknown said...

I'm Francisco, I'm a Carmen's student.Its a fantastic post of water day, i think.I like your blog because is a interesting.I like English so let's continue with your blog.Bye bye and good luck.

Pablo said...

Hi, I'm Pablo Galvín, i'm Carmen's student and i didn't know that 22 March was the day of water, i think we have to make something for this,
this blog is interesting,it has a lot of interesting post..

Unknown said...

Hello! I'm Luis Miguel and I'm a Carmen student as well.

I think your blog is very interesting becouse it has a lot of interesting posts with songs and videos.

I hope you can continue with this blog for a log time.

gon said...

it's interenting your article but it's patetic that you have so time to do that when your pupils are doing homework without other distraction.

Unknown said...

I'm Pablo Delgado.I love this blog and I think it is very important looking after the enviroment.Well done!!continue like this!!

lolita said...

hello maria we are celia and loli from the class 4ºA we want to say to you congratulations! for do this blog because until today we never have seen a teacher with a blog we want you to write more because we want to read your articles

guille said...

Hi! We are Guille and Antonio. We have seen this news and it`s very interesting,of course good work Maria for this blog . There are a lot of things that to see.

But the day to water it`s better on April because in April waters thousands .... jajaja good luck.

Unknown said...

I'm Ramon(4ºA). It's very important to preserv the natural resources as the water. Good job =)

Nazaret said...

hi!! I'm Nazaret and I'm Cristina.
We've just read and seen your blog, We really like it :)
We love the songs, the irish legend is very interesting, but the joke, it must be very funny, we don't understend...
you can upload more songs with lyrics.

Pablo said...

Hello!! I'm Carlos. I'm a Carmen's student, I think the water's day is very special, because the water is very important to everybody, but I think you shouldn't remember this only one day.
Maria, your blog is very interesting, congratulation.

Zahra said...

I'm Zahra. I'm a Carmen's student
I like this blog because there are interesting things and cools videos.
I will visit other days!

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